Hacking Naver LINE app on Android

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Hacking Naver LINE app on Android

Post by Stevyn » Tue Mar 01, 2016 10:25 am

I would like to manually install my own stickers on LINE for my android...


infos gathered so far:

How to root android:

LINE developers blog:
LINE development:


https://www.vxsecurity.sg/2014/11/09/su ... d-edition/

https://www.researchgate.net/publicatio ... c_Analysis

All chat database and text data was recovered from “/data/data/jp.naver.line.android/ (root needed)

Media such as voice data and photos were recovered from
“/sdcard/Android/data/jp.naver.line.android/" (root not needed)

https://citizenlab.org/2013/11/asia-cha ... ship-line/

root@android:/data/data/jp.naver.line.android/databases # sqlite3 naver_line
SQLite version 3.7.16 2013-03-18 11:39:23 [www.ptsoft.org] [www.ptdave.com]
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> .tables
android_metadata contacts permanent_tasks
buddy_detail email_recommend push_history
channel esk_history setting
chat groups sns_friends
chat_history membership sticker
chat_member more_menu_item_status sticker_package
chat_notification noti_center version

I believe that the sticker image (PNG without the .png) is stored in the sticker folder of the sdcard in a folder like 100100, this number represents the name of the sticker collection.

I am guessing the database "sticker" contains the names of authorized sticker collections. So we need to edit the database and add a new name of sticker collection...?

Can this be done without root???

Contact me directly: Ironfeatherbooks (@) gmail.com


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