RV4sec 2015 CFP Open

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RV4sec 2015 CFP Open

Post by Stevyn » Tue Mar 03, 2015 12:14 am

The RV4sec 2015 conference will be held on June 4-5th, 2015, in Richmond,

RVAsec is a Richmond, VA based security convention that brings top industry
speakers to the mid-atlantic region. Last year, RVAsec 2014 attracted 350
security professionals from across the country. For 2015, the conference is
a two day and dual-track format, with a mixed focus on technical and
management/business presentations.

All talks must be 55 minutes in length, and submissions will need to select
either technical or business/management tracks.

Join us and enjoy the perks! Last year speakers received awesome survival
bags packed with supplies... what's in store for this year? Lets just say
we're working on something with some of Richmond's best breweries!

For more information and requirements, or to submit, please visit:


*CFP Submission Deadline: March 14th, 2015 at 11:59 PM Eastern*

We are also looking for qualified trainers for one-day classes to be held
on June 3rd. If you are interested, please email us at info@rvasec.com.
Contact me directly: Ironfeatherbooks (@) gmail.com


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