Complaint Review: Tahitian Noni International

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Complaint Review: Tahitian Noni International

Post by Stevyn » Sun Mar 29, 2015 10:09 am ... comment_25

I just today went on a so called seminar at some guy's house who was a distributor of this company. A lady named Pauline took me there. She didn't really explain to me what it was or anything. And I had to talk to her boss on the phone at 8:00 at night.

Anyways I knew from the get go that the business was a big lie. First of all Pauline is fat. She said she had been drinking the juice for a long time and lost a lot of weight. Well she must have been 400 pounds because she still looks fat to me. Also there was a lady there that stated she had authiritis in both knees and in weeks the pain was gone. She was fat too. And it didn't look like she lost any kind of weight. She didn't mention it either.

On a piece of paper it states all the sicknesses it helped people get over. Under obseity it says that it helped 71% of 4,181 people. Is that supposed to be a good thing? I really couldn't tell.

Then they started getting into how you get started. The idiot sponsor was reading right off the paper. And when he said that it was 45 dollars a bottle I almost fell out my chair. There isn't that much juice in the world worth that. Also to start off you have to pay166 dollars for a starter kit. Who has that kind of money? And who is going to buy juice for 45 dollars?

I did research on the internet and I found much cheaper noni juice that is 100%. TNI makes theirs with 2 more ingredients. 100% juice is exactly that. Shouldn't it be Noni Juice and that's it?

Then the guy had the nerve to say that if we were skeptical or felt like we didn't want to do it, then we didn't want to be successful. I caught pauline in her lie. I told her it sounded like a pyramid scheme. She said, "well it is a pyramid, but its not a scheme, and you do get paid."

Just don't do it.

plano, Texas
Contact me directly: Ironfeatherbooks (@)


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Re: Complaint Review: Tahitian Noni International

Post by Stevyn » Sun Mar 29, 2015 10:11 am ... ernational

want to tell my story about a company from Utah named Morinda, or as it is better known Tahitian Noni International.

I don't like being lied to and do not appreciate this whole process, therefore I am filing this report on warning people about the program, products, and my opinion of the whole process. I had tried the juice back in 1999 and didn't believe it did me any good. A friend said I probably didn't use enough so I have tried two more bottles taking 4 oz. a day (bottle says 1) and I can't see that it does anything for me therefore I am again all done with the product.

I originally got involved with this company in 1999 when I signed up to be a distributor. I tried the Noni Juice as they said to on the bottle, taking an ounce a day for about 60 days but didn't see any effects from using it. I went to some meetings and heard people there say it did marvelous things for them but that was certainly not my experience. It was just another very expensive juice being touted as "magic".

I didn't do any more with it and walked away. Then in March of 2006 I attended a 3-day investment seminar put on by a company from Utah named ISI. In that seminar I heard about a product they were promoting under the name of Surefire Health. It was a chocolate derivative that was touted to have the highest anti-oxidant rating of any product ever tested. Something like four (4) times that of any other. In the process of checking on that I found out that company was lying. I filed a report here on about them.

In the process of checking I sent an email to Tahitian Noni International asking for the rating on their Noni Juice. I got no response, asking them twice in emails.

Subsequently I got interested after a lady I met this year said she was a distributor for TNI. She told me about various aspects of the products and she suggested I probably had not taken enough of the juice in 1999 to do any good and to take about 4 oz. per day rather than just 1 oz. I visited the bottling plant in Utah, in September, and their Headquarters offices. Very impressive I might say but very very lavish at the same time.

I again bought into this company based on what I was told at the meetings in Atlanta, and by my friend who has tried to do the business for several years. Needless to say many many lies. I got another friend of mine to sign up and try the juice. I told her, like I was told; there was a 90 day money back guarantee which proved to be false. I gave her money back to her because I told her what I thought was true. It cost me $35 to sign up as an IPC and $147 back to her for the part that was not refunded. An expensive lesson.

One product they sell is a body cream which I heard a lady, at a meeting in Atlanta, say made her have "dreams" (horny). I thought if that were true I could promote the product to every man on the planet but I doubt it really is. However if they had a money back guarantee like they indicated it would certainly be worth a try. I don't believe it. I believe it is a "mind over matter" sort of thing.

I have not been able to get answers to any questions I have asked in emails about the chemical rating, why the name is not being protected like it is purported to be, and why the product guarantee was not what I was told. They didn't even respond when I told them I was going to file this report, so I guess they don't really care much.

I was told this company was the 4th. fastest growing company ever, but in a search of the internet about that I found the company had been ranked 26th. in 2001. I asked them to respond to this but got none. Here is the link to that information:


Be warned to make sure you understand the refund policy if you sign up to be a distributor. If the products do you any good be thankful, but I have talked to quite a few people who say it is all hype, which has been my experience. Like so many companies from Utah & Florida be wary. I have been burned by so many it is unbelievable.

Cartersville, Iowa
Contact me directly: Ironfeatherbooks (@)


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