mechanism of SARS2? Endothelial damage

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mechanism of SARS2? Endothelial damage

Post by Stevyn » Thu Oct 20, 2022 3:25 pm

NOTE from stevyn

below is a small excerpt from a twitter post from a stranger i know nothing about . Is this info true or false? I have no idea. Why am I sharing it? cuz its scary as hell!

source: ... 8528489472


The mechanism of SARS2? Endothelial damage. In plain English? Covid-19 fucks up the lining of your blood vessels. All 60,000 miles of it. Blood vessels lack nerves. You feel OK as it eats your arteries. Doesn't mean it's "mild." It means the endothelium isn't innervated.

So, what happens when the endothelium is damaged? Well, the first thing to go are your capillaries and arterioles. They're the smallest blood vessels. One endothelial cell thick. If the endothelium is damaged, they can disappear, get clogged, leak. This won't show up on Xray.

What happens when your microvessels get fucked up? Microvessels are where all the exchanges that keep you alive take place. Oxygen gets from your lungs to your blood there. Nutrients get from your intestines to your blood there. The bad stuff is filtered out there.

So now imagine that those processes can't happen. Or can't happen like they used to. Your skin starves. Your kidneys get polluted. Your labs look normal. Your brain dies a little. Your eyes go bad. You don't die. Your government tells you you're fine. It was mild!

But you'll notice: Your heart beats too hard now. You feel things you didn't used to. If that capillaries die in your inner ear, you might not hear as well. You might hear ringing. People will say this is Long Covid. But here's a secret: It's just covid. This is what it does.
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