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Institutionalized Sexual Abuse in Tibetan ‘Buddhism’

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 6:04 pm
by Stevyn

A western Tibetan Buddhist teacher and regent of Trungpa Rinpoche, seduces his male students into the ‘higher tantric practices’ of the vajrayana. He knows he has the H.I.V. virus but believes he has ‘special Tibetan ‘Buddhist’ practices’ that will prevent him from passing it on. He continues to be sexually active in his sangha. At least two of his students die. It makes national news and Time magazine. Many in the group leave, to follow other Lamas, mystifying it as ‘crazy wisdom’ and a ‘great teaching’. He is now rehabilitated on the group’s website as one of the great lineage holders of Shambhala.

An elder, western Tibetan Buddhist sleeps with a ten year old. The the case is settled out of court. This teacher of ‘Buddhism’ continues to function and teach in his sangha, as though nothing has happened, his status only slightly ‘burnished’. The sexual abuse is quickly covered up in the group , as though it never took place.

A well-known ‘author’ and popular Tibetan ‘Buddhist’ and Lama, with now two multimillion dollar lawsuits under his belt for allegedly sexually abusing and physically beating hundreds of western women, creating a harem of devoted western slaves at his temple in France, is feted and honored by the Dalai Lama, the wife of the former prime minister of France, other celebrities and western Tibetan Lamas and their students of Tantra . If the victims complain, they are blamed for it happening, while being told by their Lamas that it is a ‘great blessing and an honor.’

In 2014, Naropa University, founded by Chogyam Trungpa and staffed by many of his old western students, who set the tone and the cultural milieu of their teacher’s tantra, allow a long-term, visiting Japanese dance teacher to enslave a vibrant , healthy dance student who turns into a starving wraith over years of following her guru. She eventually dies of starvation. It makes International news* but Naropa University takes no responsibility for this instructor and his ‘deadly dance programs.

Sexual abuse is always covered up in these western Tibetan sanghas because to confront it would be to confront the sexual exploitation of women that is institutionalized in the teachings of the Hindu Tantras themselves.

Whatever the Vajrayana was between one or two devotees and their guru master? Hindu tantra is disastrous when it is the institutionalized ‘religion’ of groups. It creates a master slave paradigm and a herd mentality of extremely compartmentalized individuals who believe their oaths to their gurus and each other are more important than the laws of their own land.

Tantra was never meant to be ‘institutionalized’ as these Tibetan Lamas have done , in order to mystify whole groups of people and keep them under their ‘thrall’.

Inside these sanghas, controlled by atavistic gurus and their minions, western Tibetan’ Buddhists reject their sane and judicious and discerning minds ; these parts of their consciousness are rejected and turned off in favor of the Hindu ONE MIND, the group mind of the tantric vajrayana.

That any of the above constituted example of ‘sexual abuse of a minor;, ‘criminal negligence’, or ‘gross and criminal misuse of one’s spiritual authority’ , would be suppressed, not even occurring to the conscious mind of a western Tibetan ‘Buddhist’. They have been thoroughly programmed by their Lamas to ignore their own western cultural values , ethics and laws and to deny anything critical of their Lamas or the system they create. There judging mind is rejected and turned off in favor of the Hindu All One Mind view, The Big Mind, the group mind of the vajrayana tantra .

The preferred method of denial about any negative behaviors in this paradigm? It was just ‘crazy wisdom’ i.e. unconventional, unexpected and outrageous behavior that is a great teaching and manifestation of ‘Buddha nature’ the ‘all good’ even when its not.

Buddha Mind becomes a group mind. Probably not what he had in mind since he said ‘no one should sit above another, and ‘be a light unto yourself. His was a very, very individualistic path, without gurus. Tibetan ‘Buddhism’ is not Buddhism. It is Hindu Tantra* that is keeping India in a caste system and misogynistic to this day.

Gurus are particularly prone to the crazy wisdom excuse, but crazy-making is a more accurate description when operating from a group experience, where individuals within these communities are striving toward the realization of ‘no self’ and the total experience of ‘one taste, ‘ without judgement.

This is hardly a formula for ‘ an enlightened society’ which these Tantric groups say they are facilitating, nor it is a way to create a healthy, compassionate, sane or wise community. But rhetoric replaces words, and becomes a blueprint to make sure a social milieu of ‘anything goes’ segues into neglect and indifference and an ability to ignore glaring abuses and corruptions that becomes more and more hidden and denied.

This makes it a picnic for sociopaths and charlatans to use the ‘religion’ of the vajrayana tantra of Tibetan ‘Buddhism’ for indulging their pathological tendencies , and relabeling it ‘great bodhisattva activity, ‘ a ‘blessing’ and a fast-track to spiritual realization .

This view of the world as ‘just an illusion’ appears at first to be about a greater freedom of mind, that’s its attraction, but it soon morphs into a prescription to abandon all reason and the discerning mind and the ability to know what to accept and reject to actually foster compassionate wisdom and sanity within a group is destroyed. Any behavior becomes acceptable and just part of the ‘display of phenomena.’

Western cult members of these Tibetan Lama groups, while appearing quite rational and reasonable to outsiders, are medieval in their superstitious beliefs and irrational practices and are actually religious cult fundamentalists with a closed, utopian agenda to ‘save the world’ based on bringing this corrupt Hindu Tantric Vajrayana path to everyone. Believing they are on an individualized spiritual path of meditation, they become shills for the Lamas in a herd mentality of enthralled devotion. Because their minds have been split and compartmentalized, the rational reasonable mind is cut-off for the western Tibetan ‘Buddhist’, and he or she soon becomes unable to make rational or reasonable decisions as a superstitious and medieval mind-set takes over.

Each Tibetan ‘Buddhist’ Lama sangha is, in reality, a theistic group of fanatic believers, who worship their own Guru mini-god , their individual Lama of their sect, who is obeyed without question, while simultaneously convincing themselves and the world that they are ‘secularists’ bringing a more peaceful and rational spiritual path to ‘heal the world’. They even call this pan Hindu Tibetan tantric movement of worshipping Gurus and Godmen ‘secular spirituality’. Words always replace reality in these Tibetan ‘Buddhist sanghas.’

The Hindu belief in reincarnation and karma inside these Tibetan ‘Buddhist’ sanghas is used to keep westerners in a ‘carrot and stick’ paradigm. Those prone to want ‘results’ for their good deeds, or at least the promise of a ticket to heaven, are very keyed into the ‘merit’ side of the karma equation. Merit from good deeds that the Lamas tell them they are ‘storing’ for their future lives and there is “no good deed ‘ as valued on the path to Lama- style ‘enlightenment’, than to unquestioningly be devoted to the Lamas, financially supporting them and their constant building out of Lama temples and centers for the sole purpose of collecting more and more money, to build more and more temples to train more and more Lamas , to collect more and more money, in an endless, permanent loop.

The fruition of this endless building out, was the Lama theocracy that eventually took over the Kingdoms of Tibet, creating misery, poverty, slavery and serfdom for ninety-five percent of ordinary Tibetans*.

Fundraising along with worship of the Lamas is the other main practice in a western, Tibetan Lama sangha and the generous donations of rich westerners and Asians to the Lamas for their dream of a ONE Tibetan Adi-BUDDHIST world. Being a wealthy benefactor moves the western ‘aristocracy’ of Tibetan ‘Buddhism’ very quickly up the rigid Lama hierarchical ladder, regardless of their ‘spiritual advancements’. Having the deepest pockets is what counts for a new recruit to Tibetan ‘Buddhism.’

For the wealthy benefactors in the audience, being told their wealth and comfort in this life is a result of their past ‘karma’ of good deeds, even closeness in the past to their Lama’s previous incarnation , makes these sponsors of the Lamas very happy with their Brahmin positions, as they become hooked for life as vital sources of support for every new project of their Lamas, as they preen proudly from their special seats up front and close beside their masters , often traveling in their Lama’s entourage to further fundraise and gather more money from around the world where most of these Lamas now have centers. These ‘western administrators , when they aren’t fundraising, are proselytizing for them, and calling it ‘human rights activism.’ They have learned well the art of rhetoric from the Lamas. Human rights is actually what goes first in these sanghas of Tibetan Buddhism, as it does in all cultic groups.

No one loves money like the Lamas.

The less financially endowed western devotees are told by the Lamas that their free labor and unselfishness devotion and physical endurance to work like slaves in building the Temples for the Lamas is what will gain merit for them in the next life. Their ‘next life’ then becomes the focus in this life, as it does for all western Tibetan ‘Buddhists’ who strive for perfection in their meditative practices and their devotion to their Lamas.

This how a society becomes eventually numb and indifferent to the suffering around them, focused as they are on their God-men, ensuring that an entrenched caste system and its massive guru- worshiping and sexual exploitation by charlatans continues.

Tibetan Lamaism, a.k.a. Vajrayana ‘Buddhism’, is soaked in this mother-lode of God-men and guru worship . In fact the Tibetan Lamas brought it to a level unimaginable to contemporary sensibilities. It is why the Tibetan Lamas and their families eventually came to own all the wealth, the land and even their own people in Old Tibet. For example, the current Dalai Lama was a slave owner as well as serf master in Lhasa before he escaped from Tibet. * In the Kingdom of Bhutan, extolled recently for its ‘gross national happiness index’ , as a Tibetan Buddhist Monarchy/Theocracy , slavery only ended in 1958. * Women in Bhutan were not allowed to be educated beyond the fourth grade until very recently and still believe they should be beaten if they burn the dinner. For them the AIDS virus is caused by demon possession*.

Western Tibetan ‘Buddhist’ devotees inside their sanghas also believe in demons and deities, and prostrate at the feet of their Lamas , each person heavily programmed to indulge the Lamas’ every wish and command as though these desires and wishes from their masters are actually coming from ‘enlightened’ beings beyond the human realm. The Lamas put a nice twist on their special Brahmin privileges as they are only letting others serve them and obey their every commands out of the Lamas infinite generosity as infinite generosity as great Bodhisattava. The merit these devotees will gain from doing so is ‘immeasurable’ they are told, and the opportunity to serve their ‘masters’ and thus advance on their spiritual path, comes only from the ‘compassionate unselfishness of the Lamas. This is the root teaching in all of Tibetan Buddhism. Worship of the Lamas. There is nothing more important inside Tibetan Buddhism than total devotion to the Lamas, and no possibility of spiritual advancement is possible without ‘ total surrender’ to the Lamas.

That is the narcissistic narrative that the Old Lamas instill in their young tulkus at a very young age, while simultaneously teaching them the craft of presenting a facade of humility for their public face to do their real job: to collect as much money from every nation for the spread of Lamaism and its priestly caste system.

From the Dalai Lama to the most minor Lama incarnate , this is the belief system of being Living Buddhas that they all believe, and that has never changed over the centuries since the first Khan recognized the fifth Dalai Lama and saw the uses of Tibetan Lamaism to quell the hoards he had conquered. The Lamas believe that enthralling others into a lifetime of service for the spread of their Hindu Tantric Lamaism, is ‘ the highest form compassion.’

Although the Lamas talk endlessly about their compassion for others, one would be hard pressed to see anything charitable they actually do for anyone other than themselves and their own lineages. They are engaged in constant fund-raising for one goal only: the spread of their Hindu vajrayana, tantra, a s they build more and more multi-million dollar Lama centers and temples around the world, with tax-free western and Asian monies the garner to create their Adi-Buddha world. This is a fundamental, priestly theocracy with only one goal, to increase and spread.

The more successful Tibetan Lamas are now rolling in money unaccounted for by anyone, and each of them have built up to 250 centers world wide, and since they have now become tax-free ‘churches’ now that the politically correct moniker of ‘new religious movement’ has replaced the word ‘cult’* they claim to promote the ‘secular, scientific study of the mind’. The Lamas get the tax benefits of a ‘religious Church.’ . No wonder every charlatan, third-stringer Lama from Nepal and India and now even Chinese Tibet can’t wait to go west and open their own string of Tibetan ‘dharma centers’. There are now thousands of these Lama centers all over the world, each of them training hundreds of new monks and recognizing many more tulkus, incarnate avatars, believing they too are very special beings, above the human realm.

The Lamas always attract wealthy naïve ‘spiritual seekers’, in whatever country they infiltrate. They seek out these wealthy benefactors and seduce them with their various ‘masks’ and, as they have always depended on ‘patrons’ to survive and thrive , they have to always hedge their bets. . That is why , after bleeding the west dry, and inciting the Tibetan monks and nuns in China to set themselves on fire for a ‘Free Tibet, ‘ pretending that these Tibetan Lamas are victims, the Chinese government has actually been embracing them for the last several decades as part of the Chinese Religious Harmony One Buddhist World movement that will combine Han Chinese Buddhism with Tibetan Lamaism*.

Once these Lamaseries became ‘churches’ no one would ever know how much money they collect or what it is actually spent on, since they no longer file 990’s with the I.R. S. and their ‘church members,’ who have taken vows to never question or doubt their Lamas, aren’t going to ask and they certainly won’t tell. The Lamas must be seen as ‘perfect at all times’ , and to question your Lama? This would be admitting to the group and its group coercion that you had ‘impure perception’ and were far down the ‘enlightenment ladder.” ‘ Few western Tibetan Lamaists ever admit a fault in their Lamas. The peer shunning would be too great.

And then there are the hell realms planted in each devotees mindstream and waiting for the would-be apostate daring to criticize a Lama or Tibetan ‘Buddhism’. Not a scintilla of criticism toward their ‘precious ones’ on thrones is ever allowed or even contemplated.

In these Tibetophiled sanghas of Lamaism, where worshipping the Lamas is the main ‘spiritual’ practice, regardless of sect or lineage, one’s own western cultural values and inner compass of what is right and wrong is soon completely undermined and sidelined, as a Lama- induced , group tantric , Hindu mind is substituted.

Western Tibetan ‘Buddhists’ become so mentally compartmentalized that they can appear in public as ‘reasonable, rational, well-educated westerners,’ who are simply following a path of ordinary Buddhist meditation, while actually being full-time engaged in bizarre, occult practices and the medieval superstitious nonsense of an atavistic, misogynistic, rigidly hierarchical priesthood believing this is ‘the third turning of the wheel’ of the Buddha’s teachings. But the historical buddha never taught that anyone should sit higher than another, or worshipping a guru was the way to liberation, or that sexual ‘bliss’ practices with a Lama was the only way enlightenment for a woman in her next life . Yet these are the core teachings of Tibetan ‘Buddhism” that well-educated westerners come to believe and never question.

Everyone that stays too long with the Lamas becomes an irrational fanatic devotee doing anything for their Lamas, even if it means destroying their own human rights. If it advanced Tibetan ‘Buddhism” and their Lama’s agenda it must be right.

In western Tibetan Lama cults, regardless of the teacher or lineage , everyone is soon speaking the same Tibetan jargon, , with new words and names and a new , medieval Tibetan social milieu to learn, substituting it for one’s own western reference points. Soon westerners give up the values of individualism, freedom of speech and thought , and the ability to use good sense, ,straddling two centuries: living mostly in a medieval world, but using their twenty-first century education to advance the Lama’s Adi Buddha world.

The obsequious and sycophantic behaviors of devotees around their Lamas, witnessed by outsiders, gives only a ‘hint’ of the level of mind control these Lamas exert over their western adherents inside their sanghas.

There is no room for any questioning of the hierarchical order inside the closed, authoritarian, anti-democratic world of the Lamas and no criticism of Tibetan ‘Buddhism’ or of the Lamas is ever allowed. Period. This is written into the vajrayana teachings themselves, Hindu tantric teachings that all the Lama sects teach which says that ‘even a thought of criticism toward the teacher, your Lama vajrayana master, will lead to the worst of the horribly descriptive vajra hells. ‘

Narrative hell realms that the Lamas have purposely created , elaborated upon and still teach to subliminally make sure that they will never be called out and made responsible for their own actions by any devotee in their groups, no matter how egregious or against the social mores of the societies they have infiltrated.

Confused and divided about ethics , free will, free speech, in a state of constant and subtle panic as panic is considered a sign than one is a good tantric practitioner*, and having rejected their own western canon and culture by increments, western Tibetan ‘Buddhists, under the thrall of their Lamas, actually believe they are becoming more awake on their spiritual paths as they become more stupefied, and unreasonable. Fanatic ‘believers’ to a one. Whatever they say.

To be a Tibetan ‘Buddhist’ ‘ you have to ‘believe in the devil’ as Stephen Batchelor, former Gelugpa monk and translator for the Dalai Lama, directly put it , before he apparently decided to go along with Lamaism once again, joining up with the ‘Dalai Lama ‘Mind and Life Secular and Scientific Show’ that headed to Chiemsee, Germany in August, 2014.

Mr. Batchelor also said recently that if there was ever a religion that would support sexual abuse of women it would be Tibetan ‘Buddhism’ but apparently being part of the ‘Worlds Top Experts in their Fields’ at this faux scientific symposium of the Mind and Life Institute was too tempting for Mr. Batchelor and his wife Martine. Does he know or not know that this is another ‘front’ of the Dalai Lama to spread Tibetan ‘Buddhism’ using his scientific spirituality mask for the western academic types?

The Batchelors were featured in the 2011 Canadian documentary exposing Lama Sogyal of Lakar and his egregious sexual exploitation of western women at his Rigpa centers entitled ‘In the Name of Enlightenment”.

One wonders if Mr. Batchelor discussed the ‘Devil and Sexual Abuses in Lamaism’ as part of the panel discussions at this secular and scientific event in Germany?

Hope springs eternal.

Stephen was helpful, nevertheless in pointing out that Tibetan ‘Buddhism’ was not what the Buddha taught, and one had to believe in the devil in order to be a Tibetan ‘Buddhist. ‘ It’s why he entitled his book ‘Confessions of a Buddhist Atheist’. He couldn’t tolerate the double think and double speak anymore from what was clearly a theistic religion.

It is really very hard to leave the cult of western Tibetan ‘Buddhism.’ All your friends are still there, all the reference points of a lifetime keep you connected. It is very hard to leave, unless you separate from all past connections, true of all cults, if you wish to free your mind completely from the Lamas. There is no half-way choice available to extricate yourself from the Lamas and Tibetan ‘Buddhism’. Most people stay in, even if disenchanted with Lamaism itself because they cannot tear themselves away from their social connections formed over a lifetime.

Lama Tsoknyi rinpoche, was also a guest speaker at this ‘scientific and secular’ symposium of the Dalai Lama, held in Germany in the summer of 2014. Lama Tsoknyi was promoted by Spirit Rock Center formed by clinically trained psychologists who are also Theravadan Buddhists out of California, This group of psychobuddhists have merged their Tibetan Lama practice with their Burmese, lineage of 969 fame‘,

Lama Tsoknyi , is now a popular young Lama in the west, promoted by his western devotees as a thoroughly modern and ‘westernized’ Lama and ‘feminist ‘ to boot, incarnating from a short line of previous ‘ feminist Lama incarnations.’ According to Tsoknyi rinpoche his is the third incarnation of the first Tsoknyi that supposedly devoted himself to bettering the life of nuns in Tibet. He throws them a few crumbs from the millions he has garnered over the decades, but no one knows where all his monies go, except he is building a new Samye Ling in Taiwan similar in size to the Potala Palace in Lhasa, and it is doubtful he could have done this without Chinese approval .

While Tosknyi’s western U.S. students still wait for the center he promised them back in 2001 after garnering donations from them for over a decade and a half. They have to make do with a statue he has consecrated and imbibed with ‘life force’ that is housed in a little structure Crestone, Colorado*. This ‘scientific Lama still believes that one can make a statute come to embody the energy of a deity and had his monks come and perform a consecration puja to do so. He is doing quite well , spreading his Lama lineage in Taiwan now , after obtaining U.S. citizenship and collecting millions with his tax-free Church status and donations collected in the U.S.

Tsoknyi is also a Lama that would have a lot to say about ‘devils’ and ‘hell realms’ since he puts his more devoted students in retreat, and for the first month has them reading about the cruel and sadistic hell realms that will be their fate, if they even see anything but ‘perfection in their ‘precious ones’, the Lamas at all times. Foolproof method to continue the charade and to deeply implant fear in the minds of his students that still believe he is a ‘westernized Lama, because he liked Starbucks and has managed to learn a minimum amount of broken English to tell the same jokes that makes them laugh, at his retreats.

Since Tsoknyi, the precious, is also the number one protector and enabler of his pal Sogyal , the precious and alleged sexual and physical abuser of hundreds of women in the west, this self-proclaimed Tibetan Lama ‘feminist,’ knows a lot about the institutionalized sexual abuses within Tibetan ‘Buddhism, ‘ as he promotes and protects his pal, Sogyal of Lakar, one of the worst perpetrators of sexual exploitation of young women in his Rigpa centers.

Tsoknyi was the first out of the corral of celebrity Lamas that circled the wagons around Sogyal when the Canadian film about Sogyal’s second law suit, regarding his sexual and physical abuse was released in 2011*.

Tsoknyi rinpoche has covered for and taught beside his self-declared ‘ role model’, Sogyal, for over two decades . He has said that Sogyal is his ‘model and mentor’ and that his own Pundarika family is an extended family close to Sogyal’s Rigpa family. This ‘self-declared feminist’ of the Drukpa Kagyu lineage, who was quick to embrace a feminist mask for the west * makes sure that his students never have a whiff of the scandalous news about his fellow ‘precious one’ Sogyal of Lakar*.

As for the few western whistle-blowers that are brave enough to come forward and speak out inside these repressive sanghas, they are dismissed as simply neurotic , angry people by the larger, western sangha . Since any outrage or anger is always rejected, no matter how appropriate, anger about sexual abuse is seen as the victim’s mental health problem as fellow sangha members serve to control the rigid boundaries of what can and cannot be expressed- becoming the the Lamas ‘gatekeepers’ .

Women who have been sexually abused and ‘whistle blow’ are dismissed as neurotic whiners, and ‘blaming the victim’ is the major strategy that these ‘compassionate’ modern western ‘Buddhists’ and their Lamas use to effectively silence any protest.

Since the Lamas can never be wrong in Tibetan “Buddhism’ it must be the ‘whistleblower’ that is condemned.

There is absolutely no freedom of speech and thought in this radically anti-democratic world of the Lamas, where western Tibetan ‘Buddhists’ have reconfigured a ninth century hierarchical structure inside their western sanghas composed of the same administrators, wealthy benefactors , serfs and slaves to the Lamas that existed in Tibet. Regardless of which role in the hierarchy of Lamaism they occupy, all the western devotees become mental slaves and servants of the Lamas and their delusional ambitions to usher in their Adi-Buddha world .

Some of the more well-known and influential western devotees, who are flattered by the Lamas and used for their ‘ influence’ in spreading Tibetan Lamaism, are elevated to ‘luminaries’ on the ‘cutting edge’ of a new western-eastern paradigm’ such as Robert Thurman for the Dalai Lama.

Thurman, who is considered a well-respected member of the larger western Tibetan ‘Buddhist’ community often writes opinion pieces for Huffington Post and the New York Times on the Dalai Lama and other Tibetan Buddhist topics without any opposing or critical opinions of the Dalai Lama or Tibetan Lamaism being considered or printed. There is no warning given before Thurman’s polemics posing as ‘scholarly,’ that he is engaged in ‘religious propaganda’ for his Kundun and is a fanatic cult member of Tibetan ‘Buddhism’ who has been proselytizing and shilling for the Dalai Lama for decades.

Robert Thurman , considered a great ‘scholar’ among his western Tibetan ‘Buddhists, ‘ is also one among many featured luminaries in the New Age Shift movement*, created by former Esalen Institute founder, Steven Dinan, since the Dalai Lama decided to hook up with the New Age movement.

Steven Dinan learned a lot about groups at Esalen Institute and how net- working groups of spiritual hucksters can create a pyramid scheme to sucker in more naïve westerners taught to believe they are the new social engineers of the future.

Now that all the new age ‘healers and channelers’ , life coaches and even some of our neoliberal politicians*, have joined the Dalai Lama and his ‘spiritual will to heal the world, ” as the Kundun demonstrates he is most willing to align with any group , even New Age salesmanship and it’s huckster spiritual alliance’ movement of like-thinking ‘luminaries,’ who shamelessly self- promote themselves, declaring they are creating a ‘deep shift in evolutionary consciousness’ for man’s greater good and for ‘peace in the world’.

Instead they are just one more western group of idiots utiles for the Lamas. .Clearly thrilled that the Dalai Lama is their new Captain of the Shift Movement, these consciousness explosion creators and Neo Theosophists and Channelers don’t realize that the underlying goal of the Tibetan Lamas, always, is to create their Adi-Buddha world with only them left at the ‘top of the heap.’ They will use any group or nation to achieve this.

These ‘Brahmin Buddhist’ Lamas share their thrones with no one.

Tibetan ‘Buddhism’ is actually a Vajrayana Hindu ‘oneness’ view of Unity, which is not Buddhist and is anti-individual, anti democratic and basically anti-human in that it elevates ‘god-men’ and their dynasties over humanity, creating a world modeled on medieval India, land of abject poverty, rigid caste systems and social structures that tolerates immense suffering of its own people.

It is why the Lamas themselves could look out on a ‘sea of suffering’ of their own people for a thousand years and never have even a scintilla of authentic ‘compassion’ to change it. The Lama-induced poverty, illiteracy, and constant confinement to a subsistence and survival level of the Tibetan people in one of the harshest places on earth was the fruition of the Tibetan Lama’s compassion.

It took a Chinese revolution to end the slavery, debt imprisonment, and misery for the Tibetan people, brought by the Lamas, and even though the fourteenth Dalai Lama had nine years between 1950 and 1959 to make changes himself, he did not. Instead when the Lamas realized what the revolution meant, they and their families abandoned their own people and fled. For this behavior the Dalai Lama won the Nobel Peace Prize.

The Irrationality of Tibetan Buddhism:

“Knowing’ and the ability to discern ethical from unethical behavior and what to accept or what to reject, i.e. ‘discernment,’ is what is massively obliterated by the streams that come out of this Hindu tantric river of influences, promoted now in our own western cultures.

‘Emotions and feelings’ are elevated as more important than intellectual thought, while critical thinking skills and the ability to discern right from wrong , i.e. ethics, are being slowly undermined for a passive “peace loving, non-thinking’ promise of future happiness if you just ‘let go’ and don’t ‘judge’ , don’t think, ‘ ‘ and in particular, don’t get angry, not ever, particularly even when righteous anger is called for when exploitation, and corruption by those in power occurs.

And it is Guru Yoga , the practice of worshiping these Lamas as divine and ‘enlightened beings’ and never having a negative thought about them, no matter what you ‘think’ you perceive, that creates a group delusional field that relies on group enthrallment and extreme obedience to these Lamas as the source of all blessings, inspiration and guidance for one’s spiritual path.

Sexual Exploitation by the Lamas:

Sexual exploitation of women by the Lamas for their ‘bliss couple practices’ was also and still is ubiquitous and institutionalized within Tibetan ‘Buddhism’ and is not only tolerated but actively encouraged in this Hindu vajrayana cult of tantric practices that these Lamas engage in. Young women and girls, throughout the centuries in Tibet and now all over the world, are told it will be a ‘great blessing’ to be a Lama’s sexual consort and a ‘fast track to enlightenment’.

Some of these high Lamas have had hundreds of temporary liasons with their devotees , who are told to keep their special relationship with the Lamas a ‘secret’ upon pain of going to vajra hell.

Book deals in the Lamas’ publishing houses, and special status in the group as a Lama ‘dakini’ are just some of the strong inducements and incentives to keep a ‘modern’ western woman quiet about the real nature of Tibetan Lamaism and its exploitation of women for centuries . Engaging in the usual ‘doublespeak’ of Lamaism, and soaked in the guru-worship of Lamaism, these enablers of the sexual abuses of the Lamas call being a sexual object of the Lamas ‘bliss practices’ dakini power’.

This central teaching of Tibetan ‘Buddhism,’ this ‘guru worship’ and bogus ‘dakini blessings’ is why someone like Sogyal rinpoche, with his many ‘Rigpa’ centers , despite having allegedly sexually exploited and physically beaten hundreds of western females, is still honored and feted despite now a second, multimillion dollar lawsuit for alleged sexual and physical abuse perpetrated upon a western student.

Every celebrity Lama has circled the wagons around Sogyal to protect him, including the Dalai Lama. Rather than being ‘called out’ as a miscreant , as the Dalai Lama has deceptively told all western Buddhists to do if they know about Buddhist teacher abuses. But of course the Dalai Lama is knowingly , and constantly engaging in double speak , particularly for the western Tibetan ‘Buddhist’ audiences, since he knows full well that the warning in Tibetan ‘Buddhism’ to ‘never see, think , or say’ anything negative about your lama, will override this rhetoric of ‘transparency’ . This guru worship yoga, that all of Tibetan ‘Buddhism’ depends on, will always trump any attempt at disclosing abuses by these Lamas. Western Tibetan ‘Buddhists’ are the only ones that could know about the abuses, and they are deeply programmed to ‘not even see the abuses’ by the Lamas and their ‘Buddhist’ teachings.

Sogyal’s multimillion dollar Rigpa empire is also openly celebrated by the Dalai Lama and all the other Tibetan Lama sects who are now under the Dalai Lama’s hegemony, so what are these devotees to do , when they see the Dalai Lama himself in 2008, along with the neoliberal plutocracy of France ‘honoring’ the number one alleged sexual exploiter at his opening of his Lerab Ling temple.

Sogyal’s sexual conquests are not the only thing celebrated by all the Tibetan Lamas and the Dalai Lama, as Sogyal the precious is protected by powerful social political forces in the U.S. , France , Ireland and elsewhere in the west-its the amount of money he brings in to spread more Lamaism around the world that gives Lama Sogyal of Lakar his cover and protection within Tibetan ‘Buddhism.’

Sogyal has also boldly sat on panels at the Dalai Lama’s Mind and Life Institute and helps promotes the Dalai Lama’s World Buddhocracy movement through Sogyal’s Rigpa site and at Lerab Ling France, where he discusses their ‘close connections’ and mutual goals and the ‘secular spirituality’ of this new world wide movement that Sogyal and the Dalai Lama and all the Lamas are creating together.

Western Enablers of the Lama Cult of Abuses:

Do these western ‘great thinkers of our times’ , these scientists and researchers bother to research who and what is behind this Mind and Life Institute of the Dalai Lama, that is fooling the intellectuals in a way not seen since the Vichy intellectuals in France? Not at all.

As for Sogyal Lakar the little precious, his Lakar family is a lineage of ‘benefactors’ of Lamaism over the centuries. Not high lamas themselves the Lakars were part of the wealthy landholders and administrators , the 5% that weren’t slaves and serfs in Tibet kept in a state of semi-starvation and poverty. The Lakars financially supported Lamaism over the centuries. So anything Sogyal wants, he gets, in the world of the Lamas . His flagrant and continuous sexual exploitation of young women who come to him for ‘spiritual advice’ continues, unabated.

In the Spring of 2013, Sogyal gave a ‘meditation retreat’ at Connecticut College, a prestigious female college in Connecticut, established to ‘empower women,’ to over a hundred young , naïve female undergraduates who probably do a little yoga and have decided to learn to ‘meditate’.

The U.S. news gave little coverage to Sogyal’s second multimillion dollar law suit in 2011, controlled as it is by global corporations now, and much less than it did in 1994, when we still had real newspapers, and investigative journalists, and when the first case against Sogyal, the precious, was settled for an ‘undisclosed amount’ also rumored to be in the millions.

This news, about a second, multimillion dollar lawsuit by a westerner against Sogyal and his mistreatment and blatant misogyny posing as ‘crazy wisdom’ and compassion! and so important to warn innocent young women about, was clearly ignored in the U.S. news, even at the cost of these young, naïve female college students at Connecticut College who walked into the wolve’s den of this Lama.

The American Psychological Association is also enabling this sexually abusive cult of the Lamas by endorsing it and allowing it to spread and flourish through its ‘contemplative psychology’ programs, and by recognizing , endorsing and licensing vajrayana psychotherapists, an oxymoronic idea, who are actually devoted members of this Hindu Tantric cult of ‘Buddhism’ of the Lamas, with its superstition and occult practices. Most major cities now have ‘group clinical practices’ composed of vajrayana psychotherapists who are long term devotees themselves of this cult of the Lamas and found the perfect way to be both in their cult of Lamaism, while making a living spreading the word of the Lamas .

Varayana tantric psychotherapists, being credentialed out of these ‘Contemplative Psychotherapy programs” are shills for their Lamas and the spread of the Hindu tantric vajrayana that, plunged Tibet into an Age of Fragmentation so deep and destructive that they still set themselves of fire for devotion to the Dalai Lama and his political causes posing as religion.

Western Tibetan ‘Buddhists’ are purposely kept from knowing any of Tibet’s factual history as they are quickly taught to eschew ‘facts’ as illusion, and deeply programmed by their ‘guru-masters’ to reject western values. These psychobuddhists and cult practitioners of Tibetan Lamaism, will certainly ‘refer’ their clients to their own Lama sect for ‘mediation’ as part of their ‘cure’,’ thus mixing their ‘religion’ with therapy while claiming to be nontheistic.

Since many of these clients may be coming to these ‘vajrayana therapists, for help with trauma and PTSD from a history of sexual abuse, for example, , they are now under a psychobuddhist’s care who are devotees of the Lamas and their religiously justified abuses. It has become a truism , these days , that one should first ask any psychologist one is considering as a potential therapist : “what cult of eastern religion to you belong to?”

Ruder Finn, number one Public Relations Firm for major corporations, has its own spin-off NGO based on these Hindu Tantra Buddhist memes called the “Global Peace Initiative for Women.”.

Why would a Public Relations firm representing pharmaceuticals, Boeing, the Oil Companies dictatorships like Maldives, and the Tobacco Company, hired to do damage control and public relations for all these groups, , spin out a Hindu based NGO with tantric underpinnings pretending to be about ‘empowering women?

GPIW actually used to talk openly about ‘Shakti, ‘ a Hindu concept, on their NGO’s website, which, by the way, no where lists that they are the NGO of Ruder Finn. A look at the GPIW Board of Directors, however, quickly reveals the One Dharma , Hindu -Lamaist, ‘Buddhist’ underpinnings of Ruder Finn’s NGO.

This is the same Ruder Finn, that was ‘hired’ to clean up the act of the Tobacco Companies, billion dollar, multinational Japanese cults like Shumei International, and dictatorships like Maldives for its tourist industry , until the world raised a hue and cry over this latest P.R. campaign for a dictatorship, and Ruder Finn supposedly dropped the contract.

Chogyam Trungpa, sexual exploiter of women extraordinaire in his Vajradhatu group and advocate of ‘enlightened dictatorships’ to replace democracy, may have paved the way for the Buddhocracy Movement we see in the west today, but he didn’t have multinational , corporate backers and a wealthy plutocracy that learned so much by outsourcing in Asian Countries where the gurus turn them into passive citizens accepting their miserable conditions as their karma. The Dalai Lama does his maneuvering with a much more hidden plan and goal and a movement that is actually causing chaos in the world, not peace , not harmony as he says.

Tibet has never been harmonious under these Lamas, it was in constant intersect and intra-sect conflict that often exploded into violence, and we could see it clearly , if we take off the blinders and just look at the situation and the facts ‘on the ground’, what these Lamas are doing, who they are colluding with, and stop reading corporate controlled news outlets like the Huffington Post, controlled by wealthy billionaires , like George Soros, a neo-Malthusian, and fellow member of the Club of Budapest with the Dalai Lama who is an ‘honorary member,’ The Lamas were slave owners only fifty eight years ago, and they haven’t changed one bit. Only their rhetoric and theater has been accommodated to appeal to the west.

It is also time to stop believing that because individuals, who have a narrow skill for making a lot of money are therefore intelligent or wise or have even a clue about what is best for the world. If anything, their grotesque wealth makes them removed from the world, like the Lamas.

The ‘Mahayana Mask’ for the Public while sexual exploitation and Abuses are Condoned in Tibetan ‘Buddhism:

Lamaism’s Mayahana mask is being used to fool people that this is a ‘spiritual path ‘ of peace and being nice to each other, when these Lamas are actually massively attempting, by stealth mind you, to indoctrinate the world into the Hindu Guru Vajrayana Tantra that only and always spreads more ignorance when ‘institutionalized.’ It is the default ‘religion’ here to undermine the world’s freedoms by resurrecting one of the longest lasting and cruelest theocratic and abusive religious dictatorships on earth while calling this by other names: ‘peaceful’ , ‘ecumenical’, ‘gender equal’, ‘feminist’, ‘ecologically friendly’ and ‘non-violent’.

Their view and long-range goal, as self-appointed and self-recognized great bodhisattvas, is to create a theocratic dictatorship, Lama style, to replace democracy, by infiltrating western society and its cultural forms to overturn democracy from the inside out. Period. That is what they mean by ‘compassion’. The spread of Tibetan Lamaism, by hook or by crook.

But now, what the Boulder, Colorado newspapers did to censor all the scandals at Naropa Institute that were starting to emerge throughout Chogyam Trungpa’s reign in the ’70’s and early ’80’s ( with the exception of the Boulder Monthly who followed the scandals at Naropa and with Trungpa diligently and documented them as though knowing there would need to be a record) has now been taken up by mainstream, corporate controlled news in the west.

Naropa Institute, now Naropa University since they were foolishly give accreditation, was created by one of the first Hindu Tibetan Vajrayana tantric Lamas, Chogyam Trungpa, whose influence in the west and his own sexual exploits in his sangha were legion.

Naropa Institute put Boulder, Colorado on the map and is the prototype of the Contemplative Psychotherapy concept, as it still exerts tremendous influence in this town and beyond, spewing out hundreds of psychobuddhists ecobuddhists , avant garde artists, and social change agents, all steeped in eastern new age cultism and Tibetan ‘Buddhist’ Hindu influences, who are deeply programmed to ignore the most egregious behaviors and cult scandals in their own ‘sacred halls’.

The latest tragic story of a Naropa graduate dance student’s suicide gets reported internationally, but hardly makes the U.S. news and was quickly covered up.

This charlatan Japanese dance teacher and abuser was not a casual ‘visiting lecturer,’ at Naropa U. He was a long-term and highly promoted guest ‘teacher and master ‘ by Naropa’s staff and administration and Naropa has yet to be made responsible for this tragic story unfolding they way it did or that Naropa Unversity enabled this to happen as the cult-like, group mind of the senior staff, the old devotees of Chogyam Trungpa, programmed for forty plus years in the denial around ‘gurus’, allowed this Japanese dance teacher to carry on with his abuse , without judgement on the part of any of them,’ and ended this young woman’s life by their neglect and indifference. Which is what comes out of this view that ‘all is an illusion’ and gurus are just engaging in ‘crazy wisdom’ and aren’t we all more interested in enlightenment than dealing with reality? And so it was swept under the rug, like always.

Fortunately the parents of this tragic victim of the cult atmosphere at Naropa, ‘ are not letting it stay covered up and have their own website to keep this tragedy above ground.

The “Crazy Wisdom” meme:

Tibetan ‘Buddhists’ devotees of Chogyam Trungpa, referred to as ‘pod people’ of their master in the late 1970’s, when cults were still recognized as ‘cults,’ are now the tenured and influential staff ‘professors’ at Naropa . This group of Hindu Tantric practitioners pretending to themselves that they are practicing Buddhism instead of their occult, Hindu vajrayana, have been deeply programmed over decades to cover up for their Lamas, and other cult leaders that connect with their Lamas. These are the same Shambhala International devotees that ignored the sexual abuse of a minor referred to at the beginning of this article, and also covered up for the HIV Aids scandals of the Regent of Chogyam Trungpa in the early nineties .

Osel Tendzin, formerly Thomas Rich, and the Vajra Regent of Chogyam Trungpa, , gave the Aids virus to some of his students, knowing at the time he had H.I.V. and at least two of them died. He believed and told his western students that he had ‘special occult practices’ to prevent anyone from getting sick. He was never punished for this egregious behavior that resulted in at least two deaths, but instead has been ‘rehabilitated’ on the Shambhala International website where his teaching lineage can now be streamed.

There is nothing a western student of these Tibetan Lamas will not deny, and reframe as ‘crazy wisdom’ after being too long in the Lamas’ thrall. The current leadership , after supposedly cleaning up the act of Vajradhatu, as the group was previously called before becoming Shambhala International with two hundred and fifty centers world wide, feted by the likes of Rahm Emanuel , Goldman Sachs executives, and the Aspen Institute, hopes that the new generation of recruited devotees never read the early history of Vajradhatu and their esteemed and adored Lamas.

I personally heard many a student in this sangha group when it was still Vajrayadhatu, talk about how much ‘karma’ these tragic victims of Tibetan ‘Buddhism’ and this Lama would ‘burn off’ as a result of the ‘blessings’ from this regent of Trungpa, who had not in fact murdered them by knowingly sleeping with them when he had the Aids virus, but had instead, sped up their enlightenment .

Many of the early students of Trungpa Rinpoche and his regent left after his death in 1987 and the Regent scandal only to be connected and enthralled students of another Lama, for like carrion crows the Lamas from other lineages came and picked off the students of the old broken Vajradhatu, left without a master. To leave Tibetan Buddhism and the Lamas all together? Unthinkable for a western Tibetan student once in the Lamas thrall.

No one could believe how crazy making and crazy thinking it is, inside these western sanghas.

Osel Tendzin, , like all the Lamas are , was soaked in this ‘crazy wisdom ‘ yoga of the Lamas and it’s the law of Inversion, whereby the rules of conduct don’t apply to practitioners of these high practices. . Lying, sexual indulgences, deceit, even murder can be justified if done in the name of spreading Tibetan ‘Buddhism’ far and wide .

Making the world crazy with the Hindu Vajrayana Tantra and its Cult Influences:

The moral relativism and chaos sweeping our western countries and the explosion of these Hindu Lama ‘guru-cults’ is not coincidental and charlatans often gather together for both protection and strength in numbers.

And how peaceful has the world actually become in the last forty years, since these Tibetan Lamas unleashed their Hindu Vajrayana Tantric occult practices around the globe while cloaking themselves in the Mahayana Buddhist teachings ?

Since the Kalachakra has been given all over the world, by the Dalai Lama, (five times in the U.S. alone) to hundreds of thousands of people and touted as ‘bringing peace and harmony’, how peaceful and harmonious has the world actually become since the Lamas have been given free reign to infiltrate and spread their Hindu- based Vajrayana tantra?

Tibetan ‘Buddhism’ was not , still isn’t and never will be a peaceful nor a gender equal religion . This is just more ridiculous institutionalized doubletalk that all cults engage in and the Lamas are the experts in doubletalk , given free rein to distort, lie and confuse to keep the public in the dark about the Tibetan Lama’s real history as a tyrannical theocracy of misogynistic priests, and what their true agenda is in the west.

The Dalai Lama even creates ‘limited hang out blogs’ to lure in people who are confused by Tibetan Lamaism, like the one started by a Dalai Lama Gelugpa monk , ‘Tenpel’, who is, interestingly, also a former Stasi . ‘Tenpel’ pretends to offer ‘neutral information’ about Tibetan ‘Buddhism’ . This fools people into going to this site, thinking it is a open forum where they can ask questions or express their confusion, anger and concerns about all the corruption they are experiencing with this or that Tibetan Lama or group , when really this site is to let out just a little of the Tibetan Lama scandals, while being a massive damage control site of the Dalai Lama, particularly for the tsunami of sexual abuses by the Lamas that are now coming to light.

The Lamas pretense of gender equality is just that , another mask to fool the west since it is the religious, superstitious stranglehold and its Hindustani Brahmin Guru Tantric caste system politics , that is keeping India the caste system it remains with women and girls in India are at the bottom of the caste system’s hierarchy. Women and girls that have had to take to the streets over the gang rapes and the institutionalized misogynistic underpinnings in their multi-god realm and guru society, a society so soaked in this guru worship that it religiously justifies the sexual abuse . It is the wheel that keeps this society mired in a superstitious, misogynistic quagmire of gross inequalities , massive political corruption and caste system realities.

Yet this is the religion now being embraced by so-called ‘feminists’ and academic scholars in the west. Have we gone mad? Sexual abuse justified by religion is known to be the most difficult to stop. That is true, whether it is in a family system or a religious cult.

One Dharma Proponents for a Buddhocracy for the World:

The Theravadan and Zen groups are also quite enamored these days of the Dalai Lama and his Tibetan ‘Buddhism’ and the idea of a One Dharma Buddhist path of all the streams of Buddhism, and yet nothing could be more dangerous for the world and for freedom.

Always a disastrous mix , when Buddhism and the state merge, it becomes the the religious justification and vehicle for profound conformity, misogyny and often supports and strengthens repressive dictatorships ( Tibet, Burma, Sri Lanka, Pol Pot’s Cambodia to name a few).

Imagine then what a World Buddhocracy would be like, and that these western ‘luminaries’ have planned for the rest of us spearheaded by an androcentric Hindu tantric cult of misogynistic , despotic priests, the Lamas, whose ‘thrones and gurus’ have little to do with any teachings of the Buddha.

Yet this is what China is promoting now at their World Forum on Buddhism held recently in Beijing where it has become clear that these Tibetan Lamas, and the Chinese Government has been quite cozy all along, while mutually inflaming the west with their exchanges of Anti-Dalai Lama, Anti Chinese rhetoric, whose mutual sole purpose is to confuse the west, and to keep the Dalai Lama and his religion in a constant ‘victim hood’ status, under the radar as to the real activities of the Lamas as they continue to creep their way into the naive ‘hearts and minds’ of a generous west who has clearly never read the real history of Tibet under the Lamas and never made the Chinese ‘Art of War’ by Sun Tzu required reading.

As this in-depth article shows, the Kagyu Lamas, the most popular umbrella group in the west, and the Chinese have actually been colluding since at least the early 1980’s in rebuilding their monasteries in Tibet China, while promoting their mutually created Chinese Karmapa Ogyen Trinley , the Eco Karmapa, groomed to appeal to east and west.

This is what the Dalai Lama means, by ‘no more Dalai Lamas’ Since they have their new Chinese Adi-Buddha leader, the Eco-Karmapa, groomed by both China and the Karma Kagyu Lamas and the Dalai Lama, supported by the wealthy élite of the west and east and promoted to fool younger generations, attracted to everything eastern.

From a recent article from the Sikeston Standard Democrat of Kentucky, where the Dalai Lama made an extravaganza propaganda compaign in 2014, to fool the Christians in the South. This is written by a duped American living in India and teaching the Chinese Eco-Karmapa English, a sure sign that he plans on coming back to the U.S. and its plutocracy who has protected and censored all negative and critical information about the Dalai Lama from reaching the public even thought it appears they have been change agents of Chinese Communism for decades here in the west:

Frazier , the author of this article who believes that she is so lucky and humbled to be teaching this Chinese Lamaist pretender, English, not knowing she is contributing to the demise of the democracy she left behind to become a ‘third world’ traveler, explained that in the Buddhist culture, there is the Dalai Lama, who has served as the political and spiritual leader of Tibet since 1642, and then there is the Karmapa:

“[With] the Dalai Lama, there are no successors within that branch. They’re like family names — the Karmapa is like a group, the Lamas are like a group … because there’s even been a debate … [that future successors] will not be called Dalai Lama, they will just be called the Karmapa, His Holiness, but you have to go through all these series of happenings in order to qualify for you to get that title. Well, the Dalai Lama has supported the man I teach to be his successor,”

China’s newest weapon against democracy: The Lamas and their Karmapa integrated into Han Buddhism to fool their own people and infiltrate into the west with this sexually abusive cult of the Lamas and its tyrannical priesthood. Or is it just that a newer leadership of billionaires in China, are running that government, like they are here. Is this what they mean by the “east meets west’?

It seems that China and the Karma Kagyu Lamas have been in an ‘alliance’ for quite a while, grooming this Karmapa for decades to take the Dalai Lama’s place, and clearly the Dalai Lama knows all about it and approves as this video shows.

Very Sun Tzu.

We are looking in only one direction and at only one group of androcentric, fanatic, fundamentalist priests and clerics as a threat to democracy. There is another group, waiting in the wings, laying the ground work and operating by stealth to ‘pick up the pieces’ out of the chaos their own teachings predict and welcome*, to become the religious fundamentalism of a new ‘peace’ and harmony , Lama style.

All theocratic, patriarchal, fundamentalist repressive religions are dangerous to the ideals of democracy since all fundamentalist theistic groups are in fact cults of thought control molding their devotees and true believers to the agenda of the leaders.

It is really time to take the blinders off to look closely at the archived photos and films of ‘Old Tibet‘ under the Lamas , A picture is still worth a thousand words. Perhaps China could look closely again as well.

© Copyright 2014

Christine A Chandler