I think I would trust what researchers at MIT, UoI@C, Northwestern, Stanford or Cal Tech had to say about it.
They have the most to lose by making murky statements.
It may be happening but in order to reverse it .. well,
I simply can not imagine the circumstances that would have to take place n order to bring about the kind of behavioral shift necessary for reversal, or stoppage, of global warming by mankind alone.
We can't even discipline ourselves enough to obey motor vehicle speed limits. What makes anyone think we're all going to start eating vegan, riding bikes and wearing heavy clothing indoors to slow use of fossil fuels and geenhouse gas emmissions?
I live in the Midwest, U.S. and these medeival dickweeds are still MESMERized by killing, butchering, packaging and eating their own meat.. err, that didn't come out right, err, what I mean is, they go on and on about processing and packaging deer meat and so forth.
Its so back ward and who-gives-a-shittish, I can't even explain.
You want to say to them: "You're wasting the most precious thing you have (time) on killing and eating an animal which has a significant probability of carrying a disease that if you get it, would cause you to lay in bed and shit your pants to death and the best way to get that disease is by slaughtering and eating the animal.
Plus, the shit tastes like, and has the same nutritional value as, almost any other kind of red meat.
Plus you waste $ on equipment and its dangerous as hell."
But by the time you said it, they'd probably have already spawned two or three more meat-eating, F-150-driving, pistol-packing inbreds.
Here's one now:
If he's taking responsibility for the security of his (commun)ity and we happen to share the same, how am I supposed to take responsibility for mine?
If only some of us are charged with the responsibility of keeping the community secure, then don't the rest iof us have to stand the fuck DOWN and out of the GOD DAMNED WAY?
If the above-referrenced dickhead spent half the time "training" that he does drinking beer and/ or smoking, he'd probably value his own life and the lives of those around him enough to stay away from people who carry around guns and scared in motorized traffic.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Kinison] Ah, AHH, AHHH, AHHH!!!
No, I 'm afraid that inorder to make any progress on stoppage of human contribution to global warming, you'd have to develop a weapon similar to the nutron bomb but instead of likking all people, it just likks those with IQs under 110. Then we may have a snatch.
Alexander Mundy