helpful japanese
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 3:48 pm
good morning - oh-hai-yoe go-zai-mahss
good eve - kome-bahn wah
sorry or thank you - sue-me-mah-sen
please - doe-zoe
water - me-zoo
I - wah-tah-she
to me - wah-tah-she nee
mine - wah-tah-she no
name - nah-my
my name is stevyn - wah-tah-she no nah-my wah Stevyn dess
what - nan
fine - keck-ko
please wait - maht-tay koo-dah-sai
please go - eet-tay koo-dah-sai
please stop - toe-maht-tay koo-dah-sai
please come in - hite-tay koo-dah-sai
school - gahk-ko
slow - yuke-koo-ree
who - doe-nah-tah
that - soe-ray
what is that? - soe-ray wah nahn dess kah
message - may-say-jee
when - eat-sue
when is it? - eat-sue dess kah
where - doe-koe
where is the bathroom? - oh-tay-ah-rai wah doe-koe dess kah
yes - hi
thats right - soh dess
no - eee-eh
that is not correct (more polite) - eee-eh soh day wah ah-ree-mah-sen
I go - ee-kee-mahss
I do not go - ee-kee-may-sen
are you going? - ee-kee-mahss kah
i want to go - ee-kee-tai dess
hotel - hoe-tay-rue
to eat - tah-bay-rue
i want to eat - tah-bay-tai dess
please eat - tah-bay-tay koo-dah-sai
what do want to eat? - nah-nee oh tah-bay-tai dess kah
food - show-koo-jee
to drink - no-moo
i drink - no-me-mahss
i shall not drink - no-me-mah-sen
would you like something to drink? - nah-nee kah no-me-tai dess kah
like, love - ski
i dont like it - ski de wah ah-ree-mah-sen
i accept with thanks - ee-tah-dah-kee-mahss
thank you for food/drinks - go-chee-soh-sah-mah desh-tah
delicious - oh-ee-she-e
will you meet me? - eye-mahss kah
i want to meet you - eye-tai dess
what time? - nahn-jee
how much is it? - ee-koo-rah dess kah
expensive - tah-kai
cheap - yah-sue-e
good - eee
is it ok? - eee dess kah
small - chee-e-sai
large - oh-kee-e
i shall mail it - dah-she-mahss
here - koe-koe
where am i? - koe-koe wah doe-koe dess kah
i shall come - kee-mahss kah
will you come? - kee-mahss kah
please come - kee-tay koo-dah-sai
i shall buy it - kai-mahss
i shall not buy it - kai-mah-sen
money - oh-kah-nay
i have - moat-tay e-mahss
i don't have - moat-tay e-mah-sen
i shall call - yoe-bee-mahss
i shall not call - yoe-bee-mah-sen
telephone - den-wah
i shall write - kah-kee-mahss
i shall not write - kah-kee-mah-sen
i can do it - day-kee-mahss
i can't do it - day-kee-mah-sen
today - k'yoe
tomorrow - ahssh-tah
how many - ee-koot-sue
i need (something) - ee-ree-mahss
i dont need - ee-ree-mah-sen
i understand - wah-kah-ree-mahss
i dont understand - wah0kah-ree-mah-sen
do you understand? - wah-kah-ree-mahss kah
1 - ee-chee
2 - nee
3 - sahn
4 - she
5 - go
6 - roe-koo
7 - she-chee
8 - hah-chee
9 - koo
10 - joo
time - jee-kahn
subway - chee-kah-tet-sue
train - den-shah
hot - aht-sue-ee
cold - sah-moo-ee
rain - ah-may
snow - yoo-kee
sick - b'yoe-kee
doctor - ee-shah
i shall walk - ah-rue-kee-mahss
i shall not walk - ah-rue-kee-mah-sen
far - toy
is it far? - toy dess kah
welcome - ee-rah-shy-mah-say
how are you? - oh-gen-kee dess kah
the weather is fine - oh-ten-kee wah eee dess nay
just a moment - show-show oh-mah-chee koo-dah-sai
pleased to meet you - hah-jee-may-mahhssh-tay
address - juu-show
air conditioning - ayj-ah kone
bank - geen-koe
beautiful - oo-t'sue-koo-shee
book - hone
bus - bah-sue
exit - day-goo-chee
festival - oh-maht-sue-ree
kind - shin-set-sue
laundry - sen-tah-koo-moe-no
rent - yah-cheen
slow - yuke-koo-ree
soap - sek-ken
ticket - keep-poo
toilet - oh-tay-ah-rye
Stevyn Prothero
POB 1905 Boulder Colorado 80306
Phone & TXT: 720-663-7486
good morning - oh-hai-yoe go-zai-mahss
good eve - kome-bahn wah
sorry or thank you - sue-me-mah-sen
please - doe-zoe
water - me-zoo
I - wah-tah-she
to me - wah-tah-she nee
mine - wah-tah-she no
name - nah-my
my name is stevyn - wah-tah-she no nah-my wah Stevyn dess
what - nan
fine - keck-ko
please wait - maht-tay koo-dah-sai
please go - eet-tay koo-dah-sai
please stop - toe-maht-tay koo-dah-sai
please come in - hite-tay koo-dah-sai
school - gahk-ko
slow - yuke-koo-ree
who - doe-nah-tah
that - soe-ray
what is that? - soe-ray wah nahn dess kah
message - may-say-jee
when - eat-sue
when is it? - eat-sue dess kah
where - doe-koe
where is the bathroom? - oh-tay-ah-rai wah doe-koe dess kah
yes - hi
thats right - soh dess
no - eee-eh
that is not correct (more polite) - eee-eh soh day wah ah-ree-mah-sen
I go - ee-kee-mahss
I do not go - ee-kee-may-sen
are you going? - ee-kee-mahss kah
i want to go - ee-kee-tai dess
hotel - hoe-tay-rue
to eat - tah-bay-rue
i want to eat - tah-bay-tai dess
please eat - tah-bay-tay koo-dah-sai
what do want to eat? - nah-nee oh tah-bay-tai dess kah
food - show-koo-jee
to drink - no-moo
i drink - no-me-mahss
i shall not drink - no-me-mah-sen
would you like something to drink? - nah-nee kah no-me-tai dess kah
like, love - ski
i dont like it - ski de wah ah-ree-mah-sen
i accept with thanks - ee-tah-dah-kee-mahss
thank you for food/drinks - go-chee-soh-sah-mah desh-tah
delicious - oh-ee-she-e
will you meet me? - eye-mahss kah
i want to meet you - eye-tai dess
what time? - nahn-jee
how much is it? - ee-koo-rah dess kah
expensive - tah-kai
cheap - yah-sue-e
good - eee
is it ok? - eee dess kah
small - chee-e-sai
large - oh-kee-e
i shall mail it - dah-she-mahss
here - koe-koe
where am i? - koe-koe wah doe-koe dess kah
i shall come - kee-mahss kah
will you come? - kee-mahss kah
please come - kee-tay koo-dah-sai
i shall buy it - kai-mahss
i shall not buy it - kai-mah-sen
money - oh-kah-nay
i have - moat-tay e-mahss
i don't have - moat-tay e-mah-sen
i shall call - yoe-bee-mahss
i shall not call - yoe-bee-mah-sen
telephone - den-wah
i shall write - kah-kee-mahss
i shall not write - kah-kee-mah-sen
i can do it - day-kee-mahss
i can't do it - day-kee-mah-sen
today - k'yoe
tomorrow - ahssh-tah
how many - ee-koot-sue
i need (something) - ee-ree-mahss
i dont need - ee-ree-mah-sen
i understand - wah-kah-ree-mahss
i dont understand - wah0kah-ree-mah-sen
do you understand? - wah-kah-ree-mahss kah
1 - ee-chee
2 - nee
3 - sahn
4 - she
5 - go
6 - roe-koo
7 - she-chee
8 - hah-chee
9 - koo
10 - joo
time - jee-kahn
subway - chee-kah-tet-sue
train - den-shah
hot - aht-sue-ee
cold - sah-moo-ee
rain - ah-may
snow - yoo-kee
sick - b'yoe-kee
doctor - ee-shah
i shall walk - ah-rue-kee-mahss
i shall not walk - ah-rue-kee-mah-sen
far - toy
is it far? - toy dess kah
welcome - ee-rah-shy-mah-say
how are you? - oh-gen-kee dess kah
the weather is fine - oh-ten-kee wah eee dess nay
just a moment - show-show oh-mah-chee koo-dah-sai
pleased to meet you - hah-jee-may-mahhssh-tay
address - juu-show
air conditioning - ayj-ah kone
bank - geen-koe
beautiful - oo-t'sue-koo-shee
book - hone
bus - bah-sue
exit - day-goo-chee
festival - oh-maht-sue-ree
kind - shin-set-sue
laundry - sen-tah-koo-moe-no
rent - yah-cheen
slow - yuke-koo-ree
soap - sek-ken
ticket - keep-poo
toilet - oh-tay-ah-rye
Stevyn Prothero
POB 1905 Boulder Colorado 80306
Phone & TXT: 720-663-7486