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CHKDSK commands glossary

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2024 9:01 pm
by Stevyn
CHKDSK commands glossary

chkdsk - Checks for issues on the default drive and file system without fixing or repairing.

chkdsk [drive letter]: - Does the same, but for the specified drive.

/f - The “f” stands for “fix,” and here it means fixing the file system information so that it directs you to the right files.

/r - The “r” stands for “repair.” /r finds corrupted parts of the hard drive and attempts to recover the files that were stored there.

/x - Dismounts the drive before running CHKDSK, which may be necessary to get it to run.

/f /r /x - Runs the /f and /r commands on a dismounted drive.

/scan - Scans the disk without dismounting it (only possible with NTFS).

/b - Resets the list of bad clusters (damaged parts of the disk) and re-scans for the same.

/v - Checks the disk, but displays the names of the files as it’s doing so.

/i - A quicker and less thorough scan, where index entries are skimmed rather than checked deeply.

/c - Another type of superficial scan, which doesn’t check cycles in folders.
