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Repairing ExFat volumes under OSX

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 6:58 am
by Stevyn
Repairing ExFat volumes under OSX


This is for all my media professional friends who use Mac OSX in
combination with ExFat disk drives. It's quite common finding such
drives in your creative workflow these days.

Yet, ExFAT volumes often gets corrupted under OSX. So you may suddenly
find - as I did one morning - OSX reporting that your ExFat drive
cannot be mounted!

To save you from grief - thought I'd pass along the solution so you
have it ready in your toolbox...

Open Disk Utility and find the disk volume name. It will be called
something like diskXsY - (disk0s2 for example).

Then open up the terminal and run this:

[sudo] fsck_exfat -d disk0s2

The -d flag is the debug flag. (You will need super user privileges,
hence 'sudo')
After a while you'll get this question:

Main boot region needs to be updated. Yes/No?

Type 'Yes' and hit enter.

Your volume should now mount.

Here's where I found this info:

Sorry for the impersonal email - hope everyone is doing well!

Michael Lauter

LauterZEIT - Sleepwalk Cinema